Beth Orcutt, PhD

Vice President for Research
Senior Research Scientist
Phone: +1 (207) 315-2567, ext. 312

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B.S., Interdisciplinary Studies, Summa Cum Laude, University of Georgia, 2002

Ph.D., Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, 2007

Research Interests

Orcutt has been the Vice President for Research (VPR) at the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences since 2022. Building from an award-winning career in deep-sea science leadership, she guides the bold strategic research priorities for the institution and relationships with external funders of over $15M annually in sponsored and contracted research projects. She also energizes blue economy innovation in Maine, including overseeing innovation disclosures, patenting, and licensing processes for technology transfer at Bigelow Laboratory, as well as partnering with others in the State to advance ocean-based solutions.

Orcutt is also a globally-recognized expert in the environmental impacts of deep-sea mining. She’s authored some of the most highly cited papers on understanding the ecosystem services provided in the deep sea by the microscopic realm of life. She is regularly invited to provide expert guidance to policy makers and scientific societies and is often quoted in the media on the topic. Orcutt is the Associate Director of the COBRA Crustal Ocean Biosphere Research Accelerator, spurring deep sea research to inform decision making.

Orcutt’s expertise in deep-sea mining impacts stems from over a decade of leadership experience directing diverse and international teams of scientists and students in the exploration of the deep sea. Using seafloor exploration assets and deep-sea observatories, her research has focused on discovering how “deep biosphere” microscopic life thrives in strange environments and how their living impacts global processes. Orcutt is a co-founder and co-instructor of the Deep-Sea Expedition Leadership Master Class, which trains early career professionals on how to lead effective deep-sea expeditions. At Bigelow Laboratory, she directs the Deep Biosphere Laboratory team. She has a Ph.D. in Marine Sciences from the University of Georgia.

Science keywords: deep-sea mining, deep-sea microbial ecosystem services, deep biosphere, geomicrobiology, microbial biogeochemistry, astrobiology, oceanic crust, microbe-mineral, observatories,

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