Bigelow Laboratory to Co-Host Blue Economy Event


On Sept. 24, Bigelow Laboratory is hosting an event that will showcase the exciting and innovative possibilities of microalgae. Co-hosted with Gulf of Maine Research Institute, the event is part of GMRI’s Blue Economy Summer Series. It will bring the private sector to Bigelow Laboratory’s campus in East Boothbay to strengthen Maine’s position in biotech innovation and the algal economy.

“This event is an invaluable opportunity to spark new ideas and build networks to help harness the full potential of microalgae and establish Maine as a leader in this emerging sector,” said Bigelow Laboratory’s Vice President for Research Beth Orcutt. “We have incredible intellectual and natural resources in Maine, and several world-class organizations and businesses are already doing this work, so we’re excited to start bringing together all of those pieces.”

Today, algae is found in numerous consumer products from food to flip flops. Yet, most commercial endeavors have focused on using kelp, a single group of macroalgae. Fewer endeavors have explored the endless possibilities that exist in the diverse and complex world of microalgae. The event, “Driving Biotech Innovation with Microalgae,” is an important step toward helping entrepreneurs in Maine tap into that potential.

Speakers at the September event include Orcutt, Senior Research Scientist Mike Lomas, and GMRI’s Chief Ventures Officer Blaine Grimes. They’ll discuss the opportunities in, and lessons learned, from Maine’s expanding blue economy, and provide examples of how scientists and businesses are harnessing the potential of microalgae for diverse biotech applications and solutions.

Lomas, director of Bigelow Laboratory’s Center for Algal Innovations, will talk about how this center uses cutting-edge science tools and expertise to help commercial partners leverage the Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota at Bigelow Laboratory — the world’s most genetically diverse collection of algae. Grimes, meanwhile, will discuss how GMRI and their entrepreneurship arm, Gulf of Maine Ventures, is helping provide the scientific, technical, and solution-oriented expertise that innovative blue economy businesses need to thrive.

The event will also serve as the unofficial launch of the Maine Algal Research Infrastructure and Accelerator project, which secured $7 million in funding this summer from the National Science Foundation. Led by Bigelow Laboratory, MARIA is bringing together partners from across the state, including Gulf of Maine Ventures, to expand the ecosystem supporting algae-based research and entrepreneurship in Maine. The project aims to streamline the process of exploring and translating algae’s potential by strengthening Maine’s algae-related research infrastructure and developing new education programs to support workforce development in line with the Maine Innovation Economy Action Plan.

“Our algae collection constitutes a valuable resource that we’re sharing with entrepreneurs and innovators across the state through the Center for Algal Innovations,” said Lomas, who is the principal investigator on the MARIA project. “Events like this, and the MARIA project more broadly, are building on those efforts to develop the relationships, the workforce, and research infrastructure to harness the wealth of opportunity within NCMA.”

GMRI’s Blue Economy Summer Series aims to build private sector interest and showcase opportunities in the blue economy. Doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and the program will begin at 5 p.m. Tickets are limited, and registration is required.