Algae Biochemistry and Biotechnology Laboratory

In the Algal Biochemistry and Biotechnology Laboratory, we are interested in developing algal-based solutions to climate change challenges, studying microbial biochemistry in changing aquatic ecosystems. Our current research projects include:

Algal-based solutions:

Continuous hydrogen production from algae

Approximately, 100 million metric tons of hydrogen is produced annually worldwide to make nitrogen fertilizers and liquid transport fuel (i.e., convert low-grade crude oils). Of this, most comes from natural gas, and the remaining from water-splitting electrolysis. With the right approach, biohydrogen from algae can replace liquid hydrocarbons could be a cleaner alternative. Although first observed by Hans Gaffron in 1939, bio-hydrogen from algae is a relatively unexplored solution. In addition, the use of hydrogen as a fuel to generate electricity has great potential. In the last five years, our research on the biochemistry of hydrogen synthesis from algae has led me to recognize its potential, current challenges, as well as advantages and disadvantages. One of our current projects is to optimize an algal system for continuous hydrogen production. We are also working on building a cost-effective, scalable, and easy-to-use bioreactor that would be integrated with the algal system for continuous hydrogen production.

Use of live soil-algae to amend soil for agricultural crops

Algae, while typically associated with aquatic systems, also thrive in terrestrial soil ecosystems (referred to here as soil-algae) and hold promise for enhancing sustainable farming practices. However, the breadth of our current understanding of the roles that soil-algae play in the soil system is limited, and is primarily based on isolated, laboratory-cultured species. We lack experimental data detailing the dynamics of soil-algae communities, the nature of their contribution to soil quality, which makes it challenging to accurately predict both beneficial and adverse outcomes of amending soil with living soil-algae. This project aims to address this critical knowledge gap by exploring how amending soil with live soil-algae will impact the soil health and crop productivity.

Carbon Capture

Life on our planet would be unrecognizable without photosynthetic organisms like algae. Billions of years ago, their ancestors transformed Earth by taking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and producing enormous amounts of oxygen. This process set the stage for oxygen-dependent life to evolve. As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise, harness the power of algae is a clean strategy to protect our planet. Currently, we are working on collaborative projects to build algal based carbon capture systems and to develop innovative and cost-effective ways to quantify the sequestered carbon.

Algal ecosystems:

Algae make up the ocean’s topmost, and most active, biological layer and have significant interactions with our atmosphere and the sun’s energy. They also have complex relationships with many other types of microbes, including bacteria, protozoans, and other algae. These interactions are fundamental to some of the most important environmental processes that drive the health of the entire planet. Nevertheless, prevailing knowledge regarding oceanic algae is largely predicated on the assumption of primarily phototrophic metabolism. However, a growing body of literature indicates that phytoplankton can engage in mixotrophy as well.

Mixotrophy in algae involves two heterotrophic processes along with phototrophy—phagotrophy and osmotrophy—with varying utilization depending on the species. This project specifically focuses on osmotrophy in algae. Understanding a surface ocean ecosystem’s trophic mode—net phototrophic v. net heterotrophic—is essential to better comprehend carbon cycling, yet most datasets fail to examine the phytoplankton phototrophy/mixotrophy balance. A growing body of literature indicates that phytoplankton can engage in osmotrophy, which involves the assimilation of dissolved organic carbon as a source of nutrients. However, the osmotrophy contribution to carbon cycling in marine environments is likely to go unnoticed under current sampling approaches. Consequently, the significance of phytoplankton osmotrophic metabolism in surface oceans and, thus, of carbon cycling remains poorly known. Currently, we are working on exploring osmotrophy and phototrophy carbon contributions to phytoplankton biomass. This would potentially revolutionize our existing comprehension of the phytoplankton’s functional significance within the food web and their impact on the global carbon cycle.

Former Group Members:

Undergraduate Interns (Summer and semester students):

  • 2022: Mila Matney
  • 2023: Terrance Meinardus
  • 2023: Tory Meringer
  • 2023: Avi Strange
  • 2023: Melyssa Correa-Diaz
  • 2023: Kate Rogers
  • 2024: Olivia Paolillo
  • 2024: Kylin Roberts


If you are interested in any of these projects or ideas and would like work with us, please feel free to contact me.