Computational Oceanography Lab

The Computational Oceanography Lab uses tools like artificial intelligence, big data, and theory to understand how the ocean works, and to predict how it will change in the future. We work with the algorithms that connect human technology with the natural world, with the idea of using computation to benefit humanity in an equitable way.

Ocean Forecasting

The science of prediction has advanced to the point where we can use big data, mathematical models, and machine learning to predict phenomena ranging from toxic algal blooms to whale migrations. We’ve launched the Tandy Center for Ocean Forecasting, where we design ocean forecasts that provide accessible and equitable tools for prospering in a changing ocean environment.

Ocean Data Justice

The rapid development of data and algorithm technologies has often had unintended consequences for many applications and for many communities. Our group applies a Data Justice lens to Ocean Science to understand how the use of data and algorithms can shape the way ocean research impacts people. Read more here .


Much of my work involves science translation, both for policy applications and for the general public, as well as education and community science. I direct the Sea Change Semester Program, a 14-week immersive ocean science semester for undergraduates, and some of my science writing is linked on my home page.

Lab Alums