
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences is a “soft money” institution dedicated to research, education and enterprise in ocean sciences. The Laboratory is organized as a private non-profit corporation 501(c)(3) exclusively for charitable scientific purposed including research, education, and the promotion and use of knowledge relating to ocean sciences. More information about the Laboratory’s organization can be found in our Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

The Laboratory is governed by a Board of Trustees and managed by a President and CEO and her executive team and the Senior Research Scientist committee structure. Our principal scientists are self-funded through research awards. Federal, state, and private foundation research grants support laboratory operations and administration such that the Laboratory currently employs about 90 people, augmented by interns and volunteers.

Distinguished Founders

Charles Yentsch †


Clarice Yentsch


Presidents Emeriti

Graham B. Shimmield †


Louis E. 'Sandy' Sage


Directors Emeriti

Thomas A. Berry


Louise Bowditch


Bill Burgess


David Coit


James Draper


Christopher Flower


Robert Gagosian


Robert Healing


Russ Jeppesen


Steve Malcom


Arthur Martinez


Helen Norton


Herb Paris


Richard J. Rubin


Anna Marie Thron


Financial Statements

For additional information, please contact the Chief Financial Officer

Governance Documents